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Interview with Emma

Interview with Emma

Alex Pluthero |

Hello, lovely! Welcome to the freedom family - we're so happy you joined us as a brand ambassador. 

We'll start with an easy one, what's your Instagram handle, and what does your page represent?
@emmabloodyporter - My page represents real women, who have to deal with this bloody thing called life, the ups the downs and everything in between. I'm also trying to represent the girls that don't quite look like the women in magazines, or on our TV screens - I'm just a real woman talking about her real life.
Do you find it difficult to find bras in your size?
YES! I have to pay an arm and a leg for nice bras, or any bra, in my size!
What do you think women want from their underwear, that they aren't currently getting?
Comfort that doesn't sacrifice sexy - comfy doesn't equal ugly!
How well do you think current lingerie companies represent real women?
It's getting better in terms of representing women of all shapes, sizes and boobs but there's a long, long way to go before the real woman is represented.
Have you tried wireless bras in the past?
I have and I haven't - I've worn wireless bras in the house on comfy days but I wouldn't dare leave the house in one, I'd feel naked and very unsupported!
Why did you choose to become a Brand Ambassador for Freedom?
I love what the company represents- real women!! Alex, the lovely founder, has a mission to help real women and represent them and I couldn't not be a part of that amazing mission!
We want to know about you! Do you have any general words of wisdom you live by?
Be kind to yourself - too many times I've found myself being so critical of myself because of a girl I've seen on Instagram but that's ridiculous!! That's not to say be unkind to others but I think as people we need to start being kinder to ourselves, how you'd treat others treat yourself!!
Unsurprisingly at Freedom - we are all about women! Do you have a particular woman who inspires you?
The beautiful human that is Abbie aka Dream0graphy - she's the kindest soul I have had the pleasure of meeting on Instagram and IRL. She has the biggest heart and is so supportive of everyone, whatever you're going through Abbie is here to listen. She's truly amazing.
Finally, a fun one - If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
Mother's Daughter - Miley Cyrus: I am definitely my mother's daughter and I couldn't be prouder of that fact, I am just like her, it's sometimes quite scary!

Thank you so much Emma - go check her out on Instagram, and give her a follow.

-- @emmabloodyporter --